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T2D Freedom makes it easy for those newly diagnosed with pre-diabetes to record their blood glucose readings, keep track of their exercise and carb count so that they can get organized,  stay motivated and improve their health. It’s the best blood glucose and fitness tracker and really useful for diabetes monitoring. 

🍲 Record breakfast, lunch, and dinner details with calorie tracker 

🏋️ Record daily exercise/workout, meditations, and other activity details 

📕 Recording your daily diet history. 

📤 Consult with diabetes experts to follow the best advice 


Are you excited to try it out?


This app is the most comprehensive and useful diabetes journal app that you’ll come across. Download the app now to get started for free. 


With the T2D Freedom app, you can:


  • Gain Knowledge about Diabetes and ways to keep your sugar level under control 

  • Monitor your weights over time with the weight tracker 

  • Track your food intake with calorie, carb & fat intake 

  • Track different activities such as meditation, yoga, exercise or jogging 

  • Consult with experts to help you keep your diabetes and sugar level under check 

Diabetes healthy diet.png



Chitown Biotech Laboratories 

Chicago, IL


T: 312-725-9768

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© 2021 T2D Freedom Tracker

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